Functions and recrusion.
1.Write a program using functions to find the average of three numbers. #include <stdio.h> float average ( int a, int b, int c); int main (){ int a , b , c ; printf ( "Enter the value of a" ); scanf ( " %d " , & a ); printf ( "Enter the value of b" ); scanf ( " %d " , & b ); printf ( "Enter the value of c" ); scanf ( " %d " , & c ); printf ( "The average is %f " , average ( a , b , c )); } float average ( int a, int b, int c){ float res ; res = (a + b + c) / 3 ; return res ; } 2.Write a function to convert Celcius temperature into Fahrenheit. #include <stdio.h> float far ( float a); int main (){ float a ; printf ( "Enter the Temparature in celsius:" ); scanf ( " %f " , & a ); printf ( "The temprature in Farenheit: %f " , far ( a )); } ...